Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Solstice

The winter solstice is fast approaching. Specifically, it shows up on December 21 this year just a few minutes before noon. That is when the sun is as far south in the sky as it will go. The days are also as short (9 hours, 34 minutes in Wichita, according the almanac) as they will get. From that point on, the sun will begin a northerly journey in the sky and the days will begin to get longer. Slowly at first, then more quickly, the sun begins to warm the northern hemisphere yet again in an almost endless cycle of climate, temperature change, and seasons.
I know there is a lot of winter ahead, but I always like to mark the winter solstice as it means that there is the hope of spring, warmer weather, and pleasant temperatures. I am also reminded of the provision of God in all of this. He sees to it that the times and seasons remain and keep in their places. He assures that there will indeed be an awakening this coming spring as the sun warms the earth and life springs forth yet again.
Year after year, regardless of any political upheaval, war, or human-made event, the sun still rises in the East and the plants and creatures continue to inhabit the earth, fulfilling the will of God. I have to wonder how many more springs I will see, and how many more springs will be seen by the creation itself, but those are questions that are not for me to answer. How ever many more springs that come my way, I will marvel at what I see in the creation, even out my back door.
There is life ahead and living to be done. There are adventures to share and experience. And there is the hope of rest from labors and an eternity with the King.

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