Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy LIstening!

Sometimes, I get online and go to YouTube. Many times my reason for going is to hear a song that has been in my mind for awhile, and I’d like to hear it on the speakers in our home. I have my computer audio connected to our audio system, so it’s easy to do. While I sometimes listen to an older song out of the 1960’s or some such, often I turn to the masterpieces such as the Hallelujah Chorus or The Heavens are Telling (the Glory of God). When I do, I often peruse the comments that YouTube allows on the page.
I am struck by the passion with which many of those who are anti-religion talk of a non-god or doing just fine without a god, or some such. And the passion is equal on the other side, with folks glorifying God and giving praise to His glory.
I never enter into such conversations. It’s OK if others want to do so, but those kinds of interactions, it seems, never really accomplish anything and just get folks worked up. I’d much rather people saw a changed life (mine) and made the decision that it was a result of God living in me and my desire to be like Jesus.
And to me, that is much more difficult to do than writing something on YouTube. Living that changed life is impossible without God and difficult at best, at least for me, even with God. As a sort of perfectionist and as one who holds myself to high standards (impossibly high, many would say), I find the concept of grace, acceptance, and forgiveness rather difficult for me to accept when it comes to my own failings.
I’m getting there, however. It’s better than it was. As I mature in years, I think I’m maturing some in other ways as well. And the very idea of grace and forgiveness is such a freeing concept. I wonder why it wasn’t taught with more clarity and with greater emphasis in my earlier years. But the past can’t be relived. The future is uncertain. Only the present can be lived.
So, if you’re in the mood sometime, go to YouTube and take in the Hallelujah Chorus done by a flash mob at Macy’s. Or one of many other gems to be found on that site. I’ve included two or three URL’s here that you can use if you like. Happy listening!

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