Thursday, August 02, 2012

I'm Back

I’ve taken sort of a sabbatical from writing in this blog for awhile.  Pretty much the whole month of July has gone by without any writing here.  I have another blog on our church website that I’ve kept current (once a week or so), but this one has suffered.  Or, depending on how you look at it, it’s kind of refreshing to not have to read my drivel.
A lot has gone by the window this past month.  Several times, I thought about sitting down and writing about this or that, but just didn’t seem to have the “oomph” needed to get started.  I’m thinking a lot of it has to do with the heat outside.  One hundred degree days are common again this summer and we’ve had a month’s worth.  The extended forecast doesn’t bode well for cooler air and rain.
I know we live in air conditioned comfort and are hardly outdoors any more.  But it seems that just KNOWING about the oppressive heat out there makes one more lethargic than normal and less prone to possess the energy one has when the air is crisp and the earth has been generously watered from above.  Probably having to do with the lack of energy is also the body’s lack of adequate hydration during times like this.  Because we’re in cool, dry air most of the time, we don’t feel thirsty.  Yet we lose water even in the air conditioning because of the dry air.  And it doesn’t take but just a few seconds of 110 degree heat outdoors to cause us to start losing fluids.  I don’t know about you, but when I am low on water, I don’t feel very energetic.
And then there’s that summer “wait” attitude.  Wait until school starts.  Wait until it rains.  Wait until vacations are over.  Wait until it gets cooler.  We learn to wait on and for things we normally would not, even when there’s no good reason to put off doing something.  It becomes difficult enough to do the things that have to be done, let alone do those things that can be pushed back a day or two.
So, in any event, I’m back, for whatever that is worth.  Hopefully, about every week or so I’ll regale you with yet another observation, story, or just thoughts.  Certainly, there’s enough to write about; it’s just finding the wherewithal to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back! - Kathy