Monday, January 27, 2014

Looking Forward

Well, the weather has been a rather wild ride this winter.  Unlike the winters of recent past (with some exceptions), this winter has been colder and appears to be snowier than the others.  It’s also been a sort of roller coaster, with temperatures in the deep freeze for a few days, then warming up to above normal temps for a few days…and right back down to the freezer again.
Although people gripe about the weather this year, they’ve griped about the weather every year, so that’s not news.  And I actually kind of like this weather.  We aren’t in the deep freeze for interminable days and nights, nor are the trees budding out on January 20th.  The insect populations are being dealt with as God intended, which might make for a nicer spring and summer season coming up.  There’s enough moisture in the ground that we aren’t blowing away, although we could certainly use another three or four inches of snow, or a half inch or so of rain about now.
I haven’t a clue if the weather goes in cycles of certain time periods or not.  And I don’t think anyone else really and truly knows either.  Nor do I know if we are experiencing global warming, and if we are, is that phenomenon caused by pollutants in the air.  People smarter than I am, and without the bias of politics and conspiracy, will have to figure that one out.  I’m content to do my best to be friendly to this earth and live my life as God would have me live it (as best as I can determine).
So for now, I am enjoying the change in temperatures and the occasional cloudy days and cold days, along with the nice, clear days that we can sit on the front walk in our folding chairs and enjoy the warmth and out of doors.  You should also try to find times wherever you live to enjoy the winter, whether cold or warm, cloudy or clear.  I know that may be somewhat difficult for those who have piles of snow on the sides of streets, and navigate perpetually-icy sidewalks in temperatures that would freeze the bunion off of a gold prospector’s foot.
Winter is still with us, but calendar spring is a mere 8 weeks away.  And the normal start of spring, weather-wise, is just under 10 weeks away.  Before we know it, we’ll be checking the onion bulbs we planted, waiting for the peas and radishes to break through, and making decisions on the kinds of tomatoes and cucumbers we’ll plant.  And it will again be a time of bursting out and new life.  What a great time!

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