Sunday, December 24, 2017

Traditions and Rituals

Traditions and rituals. Similar in nature and definition, these are especially prominent in many families during holiday seasons. Traditions are handed down from generation to generation. Rituals are things done in the same way according to some kind of script each time they are performed. A ritual can be traditional, and traditions are often ritualistic in nature, being done the same way each time.
We have our own traditions and dare I say rituals we go through most Christmas holidays. And I'm sure you do too. Sometimes each generation adds to or creates a new tradition or perhaps even ways of doing things (rituals). Sometimes there are traditions that are generations old. The stories of those traditions are often lost in the past, and families carry them on, well, just because.
We too have traditions and dare I say almost rituals we go through during holiday time. Some of them are small things...some are rather big productions. I thought about some of them this year as we are passing through this time.
Having the kids and grands over Christmas Eve for some kind of soup and opening gifts.
Going to the storeroom and getting out the roaster for the turkey or ham.
Fudge and divinity, home made.
Cookies decorated festively by the grand kids.
Attending a “Messiah” performance.
Getting a live tree, cutting off the trunk a bit and putting it into the holder...and bringing it into the house and setting it straight up.
A poinsettia.
Watching “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and “A Christmas Story.”
Getting out the boxes where the decorations and lights are stored.
Putting up the outside light displays.
Decorating the indoors with many of the same ornaments from year to year.
Many of these traditions are the same as those you have. Some may be different. Some of you may attend a Christmas Eve or Christmas Day religious service. Some may have a family service of some kind. Some may sing certain songs or carols, or perhaps read a poem or the Christmas story. If you have a holiday dinner, it may consist of the same foods each year from year to year. There may be certain ornaments on the tree that are carried over from year to year.
Whatever your traditions...whatever your rituals, whatever you do for the holiday season, do them with purpose and with joy. And have a merry, merry holiday season!

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