Saturday, September 22, 2007

All Worthwhile

“We got our daughter back.” So were the words of the Dad of one of the girls we have kept here at the home, then reunited with her family a few months ago. The home had a fundraising night tonight and this Dad wanted to speak to the audience. He didn’t speak long, but he said those words tonight, among others, in front of God and everyone. Those words stuck in my mind, and probably will for a long time.
It’s hard to know whether or not anything positive comes from our day-to-day interaction with these girls. We don’t see changes happen much over the course of a day or even a week. We continue to see many of the same behaviors and attitudes daily to the point that it seems pointless to continue this seeming exercise in futility.
We see girls leave here against our better judgment and go back to families or situations that we know aren’t good for them. We see families continue to be in crisis due to the choices that they continue to make long after they should know better. We see the effects of a society that still, for all the rhetoric, considers children to be throw-away objects.
But then, something like this happens. Once in a while, it all comes together. Sometimes, things just gel. And we are able to have our poor efforts validated and can see the glory of God working through not only us as house parents, but also other staff, the board, friends of the home, volunteers, our prayer warriors, and others who have an interest in seeing God work in His people.
Thanks so much, Pete, for your kind words. Soli Deo Gloria

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