Saturday, September 15, 2007

Commit to Memory

Several days ago, we went to the state fair along with my wife’s sisters and our son and his wife and daughter (our granddaughter). I’ve already blogged about that a bit, but want to expand a little on a thought I had a couple of days ago.
We had a great time with our granddaughter. She is one year old (actually, 14 months old) and was a joy to have at the fair. She didn’t cry, wasn’t a problem, and seemed to really enjoy the day.
I was a little ashamed of the money we spent at the fair this year, as we are on a tight budget and being houseparents at a nonprofit children’s home isn’t a job one takes if one wants lots of cash. I then thought about the fact that we will only go to the state fair with our one-year old granddaughter one time. That’s it…one time.
You see, next year, when the fair comes again, she’ll be two. The year following that, she’ll be three, and so on. We only go around once with our first grandchild at the state fair when she is one year old.
When I thought about that, I immediately tried to commit more of the memories of that day to long-term storage and cherish that day when Granddad took her into the water fountain and let her enjoy getting wet with the pulsating water jets…when she tried the cotton candy, but didn’t like it…when she lost her hat while riding on the train…when we saw the rabbits, chickens, and ducks…when we went to the petting zoo…when we….

1 comment:

Wild Flower said...

Yes, it IS expensive, you can spend an inordinate amount of money in just a short time. Reminds me of the day when I took all three of our kids to the fair-they missed school that day-Rebekah was in middle school so they were just at the right age. I spent tons of money that I didn't have but I remember that day. I don't know if THEY do or not.