Thursday, April 27, 2006

One of Life's Lessons

Yesterday, I was helping set up folding tables for a lady in our church who was having a garage sale.  The tables were old and rather heavy.  As I was trying to get one table upright, it slipped and the edge of the table came down on my right big toe and the toe next to it.
It has been years since I experienced pain that exquisite.  I managed to hold my tongue, complete the job, and go about the rest of my day.  I recall thinking that I’m not feeling any blood sloshing around in my shoe, and I can move my toes, so things probably are OK.
Last night I took off my shoes.  There was a blood spot on my sock, and both toes were about the color of purple plums.  This morning, they are sore but I can walk without much of a limp if I try.  I wonder if I’m going to lose a couple of toenails.
Toes aren’t much in this world today…until something happens to awaken a person to their existence.  I’m reminded of the analogy that St. Paul gave regarding the church being like a body.  Some parts are more “honorable”, he says, but all parts are necessary and must work together or the body suffers.  I think I’ve come to a new appreciation of that analogy in the last 24 hours, and the lesson probably will continue for awhile.

1 comment:

MamaRedd said...

Blogging about your toes--now THAT'S pretty "mundane." Ha.