Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Ties That Bind

We attended a concert last night. The York College choir came to Wichita and performed. We thoroughly enjoyed the choir, but I enjoyed something else just as much. While there, I was able to visit with several people. Among them was a mom and her two sons from Topeka that we knew when we lived there. Another was our foster daughter and granddaughter. Daughter lives in Wichita, but granddaughter lives in Oklahoma and came up for a shower for a friend and came to the concert.

My, my how the boys have grown, Kelly! And how well they behaved (at least what I saw). You’ve done well with them, and it’s obvious that they love you. I don’t envy you in a house with five other boys (including Dad). God has given you special gifts to go along with the special challenges that this situation brings.

As we left the building, I was thinking that we don’t always communicate as well as we could and should. Our foster daughter lives in Wichita, yet we don’t often see her or contact her. We see her family even less. Those in Topeka and others we know in other places are often the same way. Although with modern communicative methods, we could easily be in touch, we often just don’t. In fact, Sheila found out about our new jobs and new grandson on the blog, just like many of you. Somehow, that just doesn’t seem right.

So, to all of you that we don’t see or contact as much as we should, we ask your forgiveness. I don’t know how much better we’ll do in the future, but you need to know right now and up front that we think of you often; we pray for you and the situations in your life that we know about; we enjoy the times when we do see you; and we cherish the ties that bind us together, even through long periods of no contact.

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