Friday, August 25, 2006

Shaping and Molding

Today is Friday.  We’ve been through, almost, a week of school with our girls.  We’re getting the hang of getting up early and getting six girls up and ready for school.  Now all we need to do is figure out the hard parts of this job.
I think I said once, maybe in this blog, that this was probably the most challenging job I’ve ever had in my life.  I’ve had challenges…many of them.  But this one, because it involves so many people who have so many issues, and because there is so little normalcy in these people’s lives, is a challenge unlike any I’ve had before.
We have treatment team meeting today and have a chance to do our own laundry and get things ready for the weekend.  So we’re trying to take full advantage of that time.
Life doesn’t always hand you what you think you need or deserve.  It seldom hands you what you want.  But if you take what you’re given and work with it…use it…mold it…shape it…and allow it to work, mold, and shape you, you find that what you’ve been given is just what you needed after all, and probably was what you wanted.
Oh, I’m not talking about anyone wanting cancer or a car wreck or something like that.  What I said was that if you  work with those things…use those things…shape those things…and let those things work, shape, and mold you, chances are you’ll find out that you’re the better person for it.  Even if those things end up taking your life and you’re a child of the living God, what better position could you be in than to be in the presence of the One who loves you unlike any other.

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