Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We Continue On

I’m not going to bore you with the details of our last several days getting used to the girls and they to us.  I will say that after seeing them, I can certainly understand how parents could be at the end of their ropes in dealing with them.  I also wonder how they got along as well as they did with all the issues they are facing.  This is a controlled environment, and it’s all some of them can do to just get through the day.
Of course, it wears on us as well.  This is parenting at some of the most intense levels.  I knew, yet I had not a clue.  It’s taking all that I have and am to make this work.  I’ve not faced a challenge like this, I think, in my life.  The only thing close would be the first few months of work at Oakley at the hospital there.
We continue on.  Keep us in your prayers.

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