Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Chill

“The Chill” has come.  This morning, I was uncomfortable as I trundled the garbage containers out to the street.  The trash man comes every Thursday about 9am, and as I took the containers out front for him to dump, I felt like I needed a jacket.
My understanding is that it will warm up in a day or two, so this chill won’t last long, but it won’t be long until a front blows through and the cold just hangs on for the rest of the winter.  We then can look forward to the few Indian Summer-type days that are left in this fall, and later on the first warm days of spring.
Winters aren’t as much fun for me as they used to be.  I dunno.  When we were younger, we were much more invincible, and a fall on the ice or shoveling snow wasn’t such a big deal.  Now, we have to be careful of falls (fractures, you know), and shoveling snow can mean heart conditions and more.  Driving is also much less an adventure and much more of a thing to be endured.  Somehow, maturity brings with it the knowledge that anything can happen out there, and every time we go out there and come back with nothing happening, we rejoice that we have once more conquered…something.
In any event, winter will be here whether we want it to come or not, and along with it the inevitable and sometimes interminable holidays, blahs, and claustrophobia.  Welcome spring!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't read your blog in awhile so I thought I would catch up and see what is new in your life!
I hope that everything is going well for you both!
Love you guys!