Monday, September 04, 2006

Keeping Sane

I was just sure the world would come crashing down upon us this weekend as we’ve had the girls for a four-day holiday weekend.  Friday, school was out for an inservice day (whatever that is) and Monday (today) is Labor Day.  However, we’ve made it this far (Monday at 10:45am) without any major meltdowns or issues.
Now, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any problems.  The Plank Psychological Associates office is open and has been busy with a steady stream of “she said _____”, “it isn’t fair that _________”, and “nobody cares about (again, fill in the blank).”
But somehow, we manage to bump along from one hour to the next, getting chores done, getting in some exercise, and getting ready for school on Tuesday.  It always amazes me when lights are out and things are quiet just HOW quiet things really are.  I sort of wish I wasn’t so tired that I couldn’t enjoy the quiet at that time, but my eyelids are drooping then too, just as are those of the girls.
Here’s to Labor Day and four-day weekends at children’s homes…and the house parents that keep their sanity through it all.

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