Monday, March 02, 2009


I've blogged about this before. I've seen it again today, just as I see it almost every day of the week that I go to work. It's something that has more power than almost anything else on the face of the earth, yet is gentle, forgiving, and kind. It is something that everyone longs for, many don't have, and even more who don't know how to get or give it. It's love.
I see it in the husband of the woman in our facility with dementia. They used to be dairy farmers not far from here, and he talks well of the business and how successful they were. There is a picture of the farmstead on the wall of her room and a couple of awards that were given to them for something having to do with dairy farming.
She doesn't say anything any more. She may well not know where she is or who is with her. She is incontinent much of the time, stares into space, needs to be fed, and can no longer do much of anything except sit, stand, or lay down.
Yet her hubby takes her for walks, encourages her to eat, talks with her, is with her much of the day, sees that she is clean and presentable, and otherwise cares for her in ways that truly demonstrate his comittment to her.
Other spouses also are much like this gentleman. They dote over their loved one, look after them, advocate for them, love them and serve them. The bond is unbreakable; the love is intense, mature, and resolute. These people truly understand that they made a comittment long ago in which they promised to love "in sickness and in health, for better or for worse."
These are the people who are the examples to those younger, mostly women who work there who are in and out of relationships, have children as a single parent, and don't seem to be able to figure out life and living. These are the people of whom others scratch their heads and just can't figure out why they are so devoted to someone who is dying and isn't even really there in a large sense. These are the people who uphold the sanctity of committment and the honor of marriage.
These people are the foundation of our civilization.

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