Tuesday, March 24, 2009


So, today is cooler than it has been for awhile, and dry. The sun is out and things look good outside (except for the wind).
I'm in a sort of lull in work now (10:50am) and thought I'd "dash" off a note. I woke up with a headache, but after a couple tylenol and ibuprofen, it seems to be abating. I'm also feeling better and not quite so sluggish as I was this morning earlier.
Let's see. No potties unplugged today (but one yesterday). However, I have cleaned the stains off of two carpets in two resident rooms, installed Java on a PC (have to log in as administrator), had a meeting, fielded approximately 11 calls (phone ringing again), fixed a resident's rain gauge, took in the weekly nursing supply order, and am now getting ready to install an anti-rollback device on a wheelchair. Some day so far, huh.
On a more serious note, I know that we each have our own issues, problems, and "giants" in our lives. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about those in my life and those that I know of that are in the lives of others that I love. I once wrote in a blog about how I think that God creates a unique "present tense" for each of us and unfurls it before us as time goes on. As I continue to ponder that, I am more convinced than ever that He spreads the here and now before us and waits to see what we do with it. The present tense is where we do battle with the "giants" in our lives. The here and now is where we deal with the issues that clog our existence. Today is when we face our foes and fears.
Whatever your situation, you have only the here and now. The past is gone. The future (even five minutes from now) is uncertain. Only you can decide how you will use what you've been given.

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