Friday, April 30, 2010

Wondering Again

More things I've wondered about recently.

Why does it seem that people are increasingly rude on the telephone?

And while we're speaking of telephones (an endangered instrument to be sure), why do people call where I work and say, "Someone called me from this number," and want to be connected to whoever it was that called. First, we have one hundred telephones attached to our work number; many are resident phones, and some are staff phones. Second, I'm not a mind reader. How would I know who called this person, especially when the person doesn't tell me who he/she is, or what his/her connection might be with my employer.

What ever happend to "two-toned" vehicles? Used to be that was the cat's meow (if I could use an ancient term of endearment). Now, unless a vehicle has been in a wreck, or is over 30 years old, it's all one color.

How many people under the age of 40 know how to can vegetables and fruit? Make jelly? Plant a garden? Should they know? I don't know how to churn I need to know? Can I even get the raw ingredients I would need to churn it?

At work this week, I got my March budget of expenses versus budget numbers two days ago. What good does that do me now?

Why do some families feel the need to be overly-assertive when their loved one comes to our nursing home? That just gets everyone off on the wrong foot.

I wonder when I'll get my first I-Pod-type device. I don't think anytime real soon.

How can one person possibly deal with 4,000 texts a month? Don't they have a life?

The "hurry and wait" syndrome is alive and well in Wichita. Hurry to the next light and wait for it to turn.

The herd mentality is also alive and well. Hurry to the next light in a herd and all wait for it to turn so it (the herd) can hurry to yet the next one.

Is Half & Half really 50% cream? I don't think so. And how can there be "fat-free" half and half?

Why do I wonder about things such as this? Don't I have anything better to do?


Karen C said...

Churning butter's easy-peasy. Put some heavy cream in a sealable container (in a pinch, a good Ziploc bag will do... you can also use an unopened carton of cream, but it's hard to tell when it's done), shake it up until you have butter. One caveat: it does have to be above something like 60 degrees... too cold and it won't do its magic.

Fat-free half-and-half, on the other hand, is just as much a mystery to me. And deeply disturbing besides. WHAT ARE THE HALVES? Eww.

Anonymous said...

Or you can put the cream in a 3-lb coffee can (the old tin ones work better) and roll it swiftly back and forth with another person. Great entertainment for a toddler - keeps them entertained - and you get fresh butter!

Fat-free half and half? That's like asking how can "sour" cream go bad?

Why do you ponder them? Some of the easier things in the universe to ponder. Way to relieve stress. There are a number of reasons. And you are not alone.
- Kathy

Karen C said...

Sour cream? Easy: it starts out bad. Bleu cheese, too. Ewww.

bluggier said...

Actually, Karen, I like bleu cheese. The meat shop where I go has a cheese section and often has bleu cheese in wonderful, huge hunks. I take it home and just eat off of it.

bluggier said...

BTW, Karen, Bluggier is my Blogspot monniker...this is the author.

Karen C said...

Yeah, I buy it for Carl and the kiddo (who didn't get his taste for spoiled milk from MY side of the family). We've also learned that actually you *can* tell when bleu cheese has gone bad (or at least worse): it gets green (distinctly green, not the blue-green it sometimes comes as) and slimy.

Give me some good honest farmhouse cheddar any day of the week.