Sunday, January 02, 2011

Back to Work

Tomorrow, I go back to work. I’ve been off since Friday afternoon a week ago. I think I’m ready to go. Hopefully, my mental and emotional condition will allow me to go back to work with joy and purpose, even in the face of things at work that aren’t always the way (I think) they should be.
Of course, no work place is perfect. Everyone who interacts with the outside world in any form has to work with imperfection, incompetence, and sometimes sheer stupidity from time to time. The question is not whether one will encounter these things (the Dilbert syndrome), but rather how one responds to these things.
The Dilbert syndrome is alive and well, no doubt. Things happen that shouldn’t; people make bad decisions; words are spoken that are better left unsaid. Sometimes one has to take a breather from that environment to see the larger picture and the true blessings that are a part of life, living, and yes, work.
And the key that I’ve yet to learn is this: Do I trust that God will take me where I need to go, even though I may have no control over where that is or don’t have a clue where we’re going? He still says to me, “Do you trust me?” I’m not sure I have the answer yet.
I’ve written each day this week I’ve been off. I’ve opened my heart at times, and let you know what was inside. I don’t mind doing that in this venue, and trust that you will understand.
For those of you who know me, thank you for your love and prayers. For those who may read this who don’t know me, thank you for stopping by. I am wonderfully, wonderfully blessed.


Sara said...

I often tell my 8 year old you can not control everything that happens, but you can control your reactions to it. But this is a nice reminder that I too should take my own advice.

Anonymous said...

I'm back to work today - the first since Dec. 21. While I'm ready - I'm not. It is now 9:45 a.m., and feels like I have put in a full day already! - kw