Saturday, January 15, 2011

Can You Imagine?

In the spiritual, “Ain’t Got Time to Die”, the song talks of serving God and praising God through service to our fellow-man...helping the sick, feeding the poor, serving the Master.
Then the song says this: “If I don’t praise Him, the rocks are gonter (going to) cry out, ‘Glory and Honor!’ ‘Glory and Honor!’ Ain’t got time to die!”
I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of a literalist. And I may well not be understanding this song the way those who created it meant it to be. But I believe, really believe, that some how, some way, God will be given glory and honor; whether by my praise of Him or whether the rocks themselves will be called to cry out praise to God.
I can’t imagine answering to God for why the rocks had to cry out because I didn’t give Him praise. Can you?

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