Thursday, December 29, 2005

Dry Well

I haven’t written here for a couple of days.  Sometimes the words just don’t come out as readily and smoothly as other times.  This is one of those times, and it’s lasting several days, it seems.
It’s not that writing is a chore, or that I don’t like to do it.  I am mesmerized and awed by the power of words, and think that words in print have a special ability to communicate again and again.  It’s just that sometimes the well isn’t full or has temporarily run dry.
I like to say things in which others might like to take interest.  One can write only so many times in favored topic areas without becoming redundant and old.
So as I look to the rest of the day (I’m writing a little after 8am), I realize that one phone call can change the entire course of the day and that the best laid plans…well, you know that old saying.  Today is supposed to be a down day for me, but often it turns into one of the busier times; maybe because I don’t really plan anything for the day and the time just seems to fill up.  One of these days, I will learn to make my planned down time just that…down time.
Maybe, too, something will happen to recharge the well.  Maybe I need to spend time today with the Source of the water that enables us to “never thirst again.”  Maybe, just maybe, Someone is trying to tell me something today.

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