Thursday, December 22, 2005

Giving and Mercy

Yesterday and today I have been fighting sinus headache and congestion.  It’s a common malady borne by many.  It doesn’t seem to matter the season of the year.  Many folks are hit with it.  However, with the modern over-the-counter medications today, it’s a lot less of a day-breaker than it used to be years ago.
Last night our church gathered gifts collected over the past couple of months and trooped over to the assisted living center next door.  It’s a small center, with 22 residents and about as many staffers.  We took baskets filled with things the center administrator indicated was needed by all…tissue, lotions, shampoos, etc.  We also gave each resident a gift we chose from a list that the residents themselves made.  One man got a set of earrings.  Another got a boom box.  A woman got a nice robe.  It was a warm feeling to help with this project…giving to those who had need.
One woman had only two outfits to wear.  She was a heavy-set lady, and had only two dresses that fit.  We got her another one.  Still another needed slippers, but didn’t have the funds to purchase any.  We got a pair for her.
We also gave $50 gift cards to each of the staff members.  Those people work hard and their pay isn’t what it ought to be.  We hope that will make a little difference in their holiday.  We also hope that the children from our church that handed out the gifts and sang some songs learned something about giving and mercy.
We don’t necessarily think that all of the staff and residents will suddenly come over to our church and be converted.  If one or two of them decide to continue the relationship with us, that’s nice.  We did it primarily to demonstrate the grace of God through us in order that God might be glorified by our poor attempts to do good here on this earth.  We call it “gift-oriented ministry.”
After all, that’s the real purpose of our existence…to glorify God.  When we come to realize that, we also understand that it’s all about Him and not about us.  Then it all seems to fall into place.

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