Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Redeeming the Time

It’s the start of yet another day. I wonder how many days I have seen come and go in my lifetime. Let’s see, 365 ¼ days every year (to account for leap years) times 57 is 20,819, plus another 100 days or so for this current partial year is almost 21,000 mornings that have come my way.
So, what have I done with those 21,000 chances to make a difference? What have I done with the time that has been given to me? Why was I given any chances at life at all?
Yes, I know that some of those chances came when I was a year old and didn’t have a clue what philosophical questions were. But by far, most of those mornings came when and while I was very much aware of my existence and my shot at life.
It’s a rather sobering thought to know that most times I didn’t give it a second thought. I never had an inkling that I should be making the most of the time (How does the Bible say it… “redeeming the time”?) given to me.
Don’t obsess over it today, but just think today for a minute or two about the days you’ve already been given and what you’ve done with them. If you come up short, don’t beat yourself silly; rather start the process of redeeming the time in a manner worthy of the incredible gift you’ve been given.

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