Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Lesson From the Patio

I was out back on the patio again this morning and was hearing that same robin who I talked about a few days ago.  He’s the noisy one…the one who wakes everyone and makes much more noise than his diminutive frame would seemingly allow.
He was competing with the air conditioners down below on the back drive.  There are six of them out there, and sometimes they make a lot of racket.  I got to thinking (now, that’s dangerous) that we are in some respects like either the robin or the air conditioner.
The robin was loud and boisterous, but his song seemed happy and fit into the context of the environment…trees, creek, park.  He let everyone within hundreds of feet know he was there and was not about to pass quietly into the night.
The air conditioners also were loud and boisterous, but they were just noise.  They, too, let themselves be heard, telling all who were around that they were there and on duty.  But they didn’t fit in with the rest of the environment, and were a nuisance.
Are we like the robin…boisterous, yet happy and pleasant, or are we more like the air conditioners…loud noise and just blowing a lot of hot air?

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