Monday, June 12, 2006

Noisy Robins

Noisy robins.  Smelly automobile exhaust.  Cool air.  Those were some of the things I observed on the back patio this morning as I drank my coffee and prayed.
There’s been a robin in the neighborhood who’s decibel level is much higher recently than his size would indicate.  The neighbor’s boyfriend fired up his older car after spending the night with her…the exhaust wafted up to the patio.  And it was cool this morning for a pleasant change.  God is good all the time, but He must have sensed that it was becoming a little too warm too quickly, and provided this one day, anyway, as a sort of respite for His creation.
But I also thought of other things not necessarily so noticeable this morning.  Uncertainty.  The fragility of faith.  The love of a merciful Creator.
Some of you know that Pat’s work at Aldersgate is in jeopardy due to the failure of the home to pass the state inspections.  Over the weekend, other things happened to exacerbate the issues.  We truly do not know if she will have a job at the close of this day.  That makes our faith appear at times to be rather fragile.  We don’t even know what is today, let alone what the future holds.  My prayer this morning was “We believe.  Help our unbelief.”  I think maybe for the first time, I truly understand what the disciples were saying when they said that to the Master.  But we quickly look at all God has provided, and express faith that He will continue to provide.  His faithfulness endures to all generations and is timeless, faultless, and perfect.
We rest on the unchanging and unending faithfulness of God.  What better anchor could we possibly have?    

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