Friday, March 31, 2006


Today started out in a not-so-good way.  I have problems, from time to time, with vertigo.  I’ve had the condition for years, and once in a while it pops up out of its hiding place and torments me for a few hours.
Today wasn’t a bad case, as I never paid homage to the porcelain god in the bathroom.  But my head feels like it’s about twice its normal size, I have ringing in the ears, and I have the feeling that if I move too quickly, my head will fall off (wondering what that would feel like).
I think I’m on the downhill side this time, but had to wonder why I worry about it at all when I checked my email this morning.  I had a post from a woman here in Topeka who was diagnosed with breast cancer just a few weeks ago, has already had surgery, and is on a chemo track.  She’s forty three years old.
After talking some about her treatment and her life, she says the following:  “So here is the plan...I smile every day...especially at the notes I get...I take along a good book or friends and other inspirational encouragement and reading material ... keep up the faith and I continue to have a strong will.”
What do I have to complain about?

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