Friday, March 17, 2006

Tax Whining

I need to get busy.  With my taxes, that is.  We’ve gathered all of the information.  Now I need to put it into a spreadsheet and send it off to our tax preparer.  I am dreading this tax year, as I believe we will owe a lot of money.  No, we didn’t plan it that way…it just worked out that way.
So, with papers in hand, sitting down at the PC, I will trundle my way through the maze of contributions, rental expenses, taxes paid, capital gains, the selling of real estate, and other such things, and figure out what to send to the tax man.
I know, I should appreciate the fact that I live in this great nation, and I do appreciate it.  And I wouldn’t mind paying taxes so much if it seemed like a fair system.  However, it seems the system is becoming more skewed all the time.  The same seems to be true with our system of property taxes and our sales taxes in Kansas.  There are so many exemptions, tax rates, etc., that it’s difficult to justify why I should always be the one who ponies up tax payments that have no calculated reductions, credits, or other perks given to other classes of people, for whatever reason.
I know.  Someone will tell me that I am whining about nothing.  Yes, I admit that I am whining, but this is my blog, and I can whine if I choose to do so.  I choose to do so.  Whine.  Whine.  Whine.  Whine.

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