Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thank You, God

Today has been a slow day so far.  I’ve not felt well today, and am not “percolating” as well as I normally do.  However, it’s time to get some things done, and my head hurts less than it did a couple of hours ago, so in a few minutes, I’ll be taking care of some business.
I know that I really don’t have bad aches and pains.  I know that others have far greater problems than I.  Cancer and cancer treatment comes to the top of my mind just now as I think of people that I know and have known who spend weeks and months feeling lousy.  Some recover; some don’t.  Today I will visit a friend who, I just found out, has breast cancer, has had surgery, and is commencing treatment.
My problems with sinus, headaches, and dizziness pale in comparison with the suffering of others at this minute.  I have no right to gripe, complain, or pout.
Thank you, God, for this day.  Thank you for my daily bread.  Thank you for a warm place to stay, clothes on my back, and people who love me.  Thank you for the opportunity I have to demonstrate your love in some way this day.

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