Thursday, July 20, 2006


We’ve done most of the packing and all that remains is tying up loose ends with insurance, the bank, the doctor, etc.  We have a few boxes open that we’re putting little crippy-crap (as my sister says) stuff into, but we’ve pretty much been done for a day or so.
The weather will break this afternoon, hopefully, and we will have nice weather this weekend for the move.  Rain would be great, and much appreciated.  Temps in the 80’s (or even 90’s) would be a relief from the 108 to 110 degree temps we’ve been having.
Even though I’m excited about the move, I’m getting more and more nervous.  I have to understand that I’m not in this on my own.  I have a capable and competent woman at my side who doesn’t need me.
Now, I don’t say that in a mean way.  Clingy, whiny, overly-dependent women were never my thing.  What I mean is that she’s not dependent on me for her life and livelihood.  She’s always had an independent streak, and I enjoy and appreciate that.  She truly will be my “other half” in this venture and will be able to stand on her own as her own person.
Communication will be the key…something that we both could improve.  We’ll also be communicating a lot with the One who created us, all that we see and know, and all that we don’t see and don’t know.  I rather suspect that communication will be every bit as critical as any we could ever have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're gonna have to re-name your blog . . .what's it gonna be--"Wichita Re-Transplant" ? Ha.