Friday, July 07, 2006

A Short Vacation

Sorry.  I took a short vacation from blogging this week.  A lot has happened.  We became grandparents for the first time this past Monday, and made the trip to Western Kansas to see Mom, Dad, and the new granddaughter.  Everything is fine; however, the baby had to stay in the hospital for an extra day or two “just to be sure”.
We’ve also been preparing for our annual reunion.  We’ll leave tomorrow for Missouri and will spend several days with family at a motel in Hannibal.  Of course, there is planning and effort that attends events such as this, and we have spent the week gathering the things we will be taking and making final preparation.
The Independence Day holiday was this week also, and though we were more concerned with our granddaughter this year, we truly enjoy this nation, its opportunity and freedom.  Yes, we have things we need to fix.  Yes, we have things we need to throw out and start over.  Yes, we have issues.  But we also have been blessed by Almighty God with abundance beyond anything we could ever think or ask.
We’ve been working on the employment side as well, but as yet have no firm plans for the future.  That probably is one of the harder things to deal with, yet seems to be the one that is most out of our hands.
We will leave early tomorrow morning.  I may well not blog again for several days.  Hopefully, we will come back from Hannibal refreshed and renewed and with confidence and trust in the Creator of the universe to provide our needs.

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