Monday, July 31, 2006

Yesterday's News

Today is Monday.  We had a good day yesterday attending one of the local churches in the area, meeting people and enjoying the services.  We then spent the afternoon in some un-Sabbath-like work…unpacking more boxes and moving furniture.  But we got the bedroom walk-in closet pretty much set up, moved the last of the boxes from off the floor of the bedroom, organized the downstairs recreation area (for the girls) and were ready to call it a day.
However, the day wasn’t quite over as I discovered that the large chest freezer in the garage wasn’t working.  There was no power in the outlet.  No breakers were thrown and only one other outlet (in the garage) wasn’t working.  So I ran an extension cord to an outlet in the garage that was working and we’ll contact Bill (the maintenance man) today.
I had a conference with the relief houseparent and one of the girls yesterday…one that will be moving into our home this Friday.  We are getting to know the girls and hopefully will have some idea how they think and interact with one-another before they make the move.  That will be vital, as we must set up a working household from day one.  We don’t have the luxury of taking several weeks to get it right.
Today will be hot (again) and humid (sigh), and a time to stay indoors if at all possible.  I’m looking forward to it.

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