Monday, July 17, 2006

It Has Started

Well, I now feel that we “officially” are moving.  We have boxes piled in the corners of some rooms, empty boxes all over, and the house is a mess.  We also had our small group over last night, and they helped pack up some stuff.  Although it was a wild time, as there were several kiddos under the age of five in the group (and we old people had no place for them to go and play), they helped considerably and lightened our load a lot.
We also gathered to pray for one-another toward the end and had a meal together.  It was a good time that will not soon be forgotten.  We will miss our group and we will miss our church.
Our son, daughter-in-law, and our new granddaughter also were here and spent the night with us.  They will be here today also, as he is interviewing with the State for a job.  My sis and niece will be coming from Wichita for a few hours today to be with our granddaughter, and a sister-in-law and niece from Wichita will also be coming later today and tomorrow to help us pack.
A good time will be had by all, even in the midst of the chaos, sadness, and apprehension.  Thank you, Jehovah God, for your marvelous care and your rock-solid foundation.  Without You, we could never have the anchor in our lives that we need.

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