Friday, July 28, 2006


I have already set up kind of a routine in the mornings when we get up.  I open the window shades, make coffee, generally inspect things, and straighten up the kitchen if needed.  I then will go out onto the front porch to think.
I don’t think this routine will hold once the girls get here and school starts.  Actually, my guess is that I’ll have to do it all over.  Other people just bring a dynamic into one’s life that is impossible to ignore…especially when you have charge of them 24 hours a day.
But for now, the routine is good.  It brings a sense of order into what is still a chaotic situation for Pat and me.  My guess is that the chaos will reign for the foreseeable future as we absorb a ready-made family and deal with the comings and goings of girls into and out of the family.  However, we also know that the hand of God lives in this situation and enables us to see by faith that order and control are truly His.  We can, with eyes of faith, see that order and control and are grateful for the Rock which is ours to anchor upon.

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